Just spent 3 unforgettable days with my team in Turkey 🇹🇷

Just spent 3 unforgettable days with my team in Turkey 🇹🇷

🚫 No laptops allowed.

🌊 Surrounded by the Mediterranean coast, from beach to cliff-side villa, we were immersed in conversation.

🗨️ Technical talk? Sure!
📚 Discussing projects? Of course!
✏️ Work-related chat? Why not!

🛑 But no deep work. No coding, designing, or spreadsheets.

✨ The result? A fresh perspective on everything we were doing.

🌐 We stepped back, looked at the bigger picture, and understood the grand scheme.

🔋 Recharged and bursting with new ideas, we returned to our tasks, more excited than ever to build and grow.

🤝 And let’s not forget the newfound camaraderie over shared meals and laughter.

🤔 So next time you plan a team gathering, consider leaving the laptops behind. You might be surprised at how much you can accomplish.

🔔 Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore

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