So you’re a bank CFO. You’re itching to get a solid business intelligence system up and running.

So you’re a bank CFO. You’re itching to get a solid business intelligence system up and running.

But before you dive in, let’s shine a light on the pesky mistakes that could trip you up.

1. Ignoring Data Quality: Garbage in, garbage out, right? Make sure you’re feeding your system high-quality data, or else you’ll be making decisions off of misleading info.

2. Over-Complicating Things: Building a behemoth of a system might seem impressive, but if your team doesn’t understand it, it’s no use. Keep it simple, folks.

3. Neglecting Training: Simply having a system isn’t enough – your team needs to know how to use it effectively. Invest in some solid training.

4. Thinking Short-Term: Business intelligence isn’t a one-and-done project. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Make sure you’re planning for the future.

5. Bottlenecking Decision-Making: The whole point of BI is to empower your team with data-driven insights. Don’t hoard the decision-making.

Anyone else got tips to throw in? Let’s help each other avoid these pitfalls.

🔔 Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore

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