Working remotely has its perks, but there’s something irreplaceable about meeting in-person.

Working remotely has its perks, but there’s something irreplaceable about meeting in-person.

I recently had the opportunity to meet with my team in Turkey.

We’ve had countless Zoom meetings, but that pales in comparison to the camaraderie we built over shared meals and personal conversations.

In just a few days, we created more goodwill than months of virtual meetings ever could have.

So much so, that the team voluntarily worked through a Turkish holiday, just because they were excited about what we’re building together.

In-person meetings provide a platform for personal conversations that rarely happen over Zoom.

They give space to talk about whatever is on our minds, and not just the task at hand.

And that’s what really bonds a team.

But as leaders, being vulnerable and sharing personal challenges is even more important.

It shows the team that we’re not infallible,
We make LOTS of mistakes,
And we face struggles just like everyone else.

Honest and open conversations build a sense of respect and camaraderie that’s hard to come by in a purely professional setting.

So, while remote work is here to stay, let’s not forget the value of face-to-face interactions.

Because at the end of the day, we’re not just working with colleagues.

We’re working with people.

Digging deep on banks is what I do.

🔔 Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore




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