What was the last financial service you bought?
Why did you buy it?

What was the last financial service you bought?<br>Why did you buy it?

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

I bet it ties back to 1 thing:


There are some industries where people buy on a whim with just a little knowledge about the product.
Finance & Banking – Not so much.

In theory, they aren’t complicated industries…

Manage people’s money in a way that makes them money; and makes you money.
Simple enough.

Yet so often people go to a bank for a loan and leave more confused than when they came in.

BIG words to explain simple concepts. purchase
Lots of fine print.
Poorly explained benefits with a lackluster focus on the true cost.
All setting up customers for DISAPPOINTMENT!

I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to trust someone with my money, I want to know that they understand it well enough to be able to explain it to me like I’m 5.

If you can do that – you’ve won.
You are the person people will want to buy from.

In a world where information is limitless,
The winners aren’t those that can swindle a prospect into an uninformed purchase.
Leave that to the 1970s used car salesmen.

Winners in 2023 are those that can SIMPLIFY information in a way that helps people make their own, well-informed decision.

Are you persuading your customers? purchase
Or do you HELP them make their own decision?

Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore




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