No way banking can just sit still, right?

No way banking can just sit still, right?

Nope, not happening!

Banking’s like magic, always whipping up fresh tricks.

It’s saying ‘hi’ to the unbanked, and lending? Remodeled with cool ideas boosting capital access.

Heard of alternative credit scoring? It’s a game-changer, using unexpected data, and opening new doors for struggling businesses.

Take Kabbage. They’re doing some next-level stuff in alternative lending. Quick, tailored loans for small businesses? No collateral or lengthy credit history? Check!

Payments are also getting a fab makeover, with innovations making money exchange super smooth.

Stripe, the payments hotshot, offers ace tools making payment processing easy-peasy across all channels. It’s all about simplicity, security, and real-time data.

But guess what? The heart of banking isn’t changing. It’s still your money’s best buddy.

Deposits and loans?

That’s the real deal.

And don’t miss the new digital banks. They’re serving up banking as smooth as a fresh smoothie.

Despite the changes, banking’s still got your back. It’s all about you and your business!

Digging deep on banks is what I do.

🔔 Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore

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