“Who holds the keys to the kingdom in the U.S. banking industry?”

“Who holds the keys to the kingdom in the U.S. banking industry?”

Did you know just 33 banks, out of thousands, control over 70% of the U.S. banking industry? Talk about the ultimate power club! 💰

In Q1, 2023, the “Big Four” held 39% of all assets, while the next tier of banks held another 18%. Together, that’s 57% of assets. Want to hit 70%? Add just 19 more banks!

Net income soared by $23B YoY in Q1 2023, largely due to surging interest income and burgeoning non-interest (fee) income.

However, challenges lurk. Credit losses are slowly ticking up and non-interest expense growth continues. Though, not enough to destabilize profits…yet.

Non-interest expense is also on the rise, but only by 10% YoY, 5% for the quarter.

Despite this, assets grew from $23T to $ 23.3 T. Deposit growth was slow but steady.

The U.S. banking sector exhibits robust growth and profitability, though challenges emerge.
This concentrated power within a select few banks poses an intriguing question: How will these dynamics affect your financial landscape?

Insightful exploration today leads to smarter decisions tomorrow. Stay informed!

Digging deep on banks is what I do.

🔔 Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore

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