Have you ever experienced a cross-currency loan crisis firsthand?

Have you ever experienced a cross-currency loan crisis firsthand?

My trip to Hungary in 2009 landed me right into one!

The Hungarian Forint took a 47% plunge against the Euro and Swiss Franc in the middle of 2008.

Borrowers with income in Forint were struggling to repay loans made in these stronger currencies.

My task? Figuring out how to ease their burden.

The solution came from an 1980s manual on troubled debt restructuring (TDR).

It had been that long since GE Capital had performed any significant TDRs.

Dusting off the old TDR Policy from 1987 and giving it a refresh for the current situation, we managed to help borrowers make their payments without causing accounting impairments.

Faced with the need to perform loan restructuring? Reach out if you want to chat about my experience here.

Digging deep on banks is what I do.

🔔 Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore

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