Ever wondered why I’d put my millions into brick-and-mortar property, rather than a 401(k)?

Ever wondered why I’d put my millions into brick-and-mortar property, rather than a 401(k)?

Peek into your 401(k) bucket: Locked up until you’ve hit 60, bound in a straitjacket of investment options, and taxed to the brim when you retire. And the cherry on this not-so-tasty cake? Your cash flow is as still as a stagnant pond.

Flip your gaze to Real Estate: A real, tangible asset that gives you monthly rich drippings of cash flow, allows you to tap into your equity through refinance without being taxed, and hands over an unmatched tax benefit bonus. Besides, who can ignore the sweet scent of long term appreciation and the power to leverage for more?

Liquidity? Check.
Tax benefits? Double Check.
Long-term growth of wealth? Triple check.

Caught between a rock and a hard place? If you had to choose, which side are you leaning towards?

💡 Let’s stop just collecting data. Let’s start making it work for us. Let’s transform banking, together. 💡

🔔 Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore

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