Ever had dinner with an author? Here’s how it turned my world around…

Ever had dinner with an author? Here’s how it turned my world around…

Ever had dinner with an author? Here’s how it turned my world around… In the summer of 2022, my buddy Geno and I had the wonderful experience of enjoying dinner with Mark Fairchild.

Mark shared from his wealth of knowledge from traveling in Cilicia and exploring all of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey).

I have read Mark’s books and articles but found it enlightening to be with him and pick his brain on some of the more nuanced questions that arise when studying the Text.

My burning question that night was: Where do you think Paul was and what do you think Paul was doing all of those years before Barnabas came to look for him in Acts 11:25?

Who is an author or scholar you would like to have dinner with?

🔔 Follow Brian on Linkedin: Brian Pillmore

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